My blogger hasn't been filled with much content, but that's good. That means that I'm leading a busy life and I'm utililizing my paper journal, which I preper anyways. So I've been filling out a lot of questionaires, but who enjoys them more? The person who answered the questions or the person reading their answers? Doesn't matter, I will often be jogged of a memory and will pick up my pen afterwards. That's what important to me. I swiped this one off of small hands.
1. what facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Eyes, but please don't come at me with totally fucked up teeth.
2. would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: Most definitely. I believe it's about time
3. would you marry for money?:I would love to give an emphatic no, but when you're broke as I am at the moment it doesn't sound so bad
4. have you had braces?: No, but I should have. My front teeth are a bit crooked, but not totally fucked up thank goodness. Many people hardly notice.
5. do you pluck your eyebrows?:No, but I do sometimes get them "done"
6. do you ever cut or hurt yourself?: Not on purpose, I hav a very low tolerance for pain (how did I survive 2 natural childbirths I'll never know).
7. when was the last time you had a hickey?: Couldn't evne tell you. After college, I tried not to have any visible signs of recent lovemaking
8. could you live without a computer?: I lived before without one, it just wouldn't be as fun
9. do you use icq, aol buddy list, etc.?: Nope, never have either
10. if so, how many people are on your lists?: N/A
11. if you could live in any past time period, which would it be? I'm actually quite content right here.
12. do you drink enough water?: Ye Gads, no. I'm going to try to do better, I promise
13. do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: That is one of the first things I do is remove my shoes.
14. what is your favorite fruit?: Apples
15. do you eat wheat bread or white?:Actually I like potatoe bread, but I grew up on wheat so I take that as an alternative
16. what is your favorite place to visit?:I haven't done nearly as much traveling as I would like. I would like to go back to NYC though
17. what is the last movie you saw?: Drumline. My sister brought the DVD. It was better than I expected, but LONG
18. do you kiss on the first date?: Sure, why not?
19. are you photogenic?: I've been told that I am, but I hate having my picture taken
20. do you dream in color or black and white?: I don't recall my dreams
21. are you wearing fingernail polish? Why, yes, I am
22. is it chipped or fresh?:Honey, I'm a nail tech, it must never be chipped.
23. do you have any dimples?:In my ass
24. do you remember being born?:Does anyone really?
25. why do you take surveys?: I think they're fun even if a bit egotistical
26. do you drink alcohol?Wine, coolers and champagne. All very rarely
27. did you like or do you like high school?I went to a very elite, rasict school, so no, I did not enjoy it very much.
28. what is the most beautiful language?: Italian and Swahili
29. when you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?:Depends on where they're doing the kissing
30. do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunsets
31. do you want to live to be 100?:Not really, I imagine it would be very lonely to lose so many friends, family, etc
32. do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?: Goodness, no, or else I'd be breaking that rule on a regular basis
33. do you like salty food or sugary food the most?: Sugary
34. is a flat stomach important to you?: No, but I don't necessarily want to someone's fat ass stomach hanging out of their clothes
35. do you or have you played with a ouija board?: No, that shit freaks me out
36. are you loyal?: Yes, especially since I've learned that loyal does not equal stupid
37. are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: Yes, but I'm still pissed that my best friend married a Republican and is adopting many of his warped views. Shame on you, girl!
38. when you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Doesn't really matter
39. do you believe in magic?: I believe we create our own magic
40. do you have nightmares frequently?:See # 20.
41. do you like your nose?: Yes, these are some interesting questions, aren't they?
42. do you like abstract art?:Yes
43. do you think you can draw well?: No one can beat my stick people
44. do you listen to music daily?: Yes, and right not I'm digging Floetry's joint
45. do you like to watch cartoons?:Love them
46. at what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: I never believed in him
47. how many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: About 5, the rest are in storage
48. do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: I wear whatever matches. I'm not a shoe gal
49. do you write poetry?: I used to, but I haven't in the past year or so
50. do you snore?: When I'm at my heavy weight I do
51. do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: Usually gripping the side of the bed because my kids are bed whores.
52. would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?: I'm not a "gotta get home a feed the dog type person"
53. do you lick stamps? Does anyone anymore. I only see the self-adhesive kind when I go to the post office now
54. do you use an electric can opener?: Unfortunately my sister doesn't have one and mine is in storage in Virginia
55. have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: No, and I can't say I have much of a desire to either.
56. which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: They both scab over eventually
57. do you think balding men should shave their heads?: If they want, I don't really care
58. do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: Yes
59. do you prefer a piano or a violin?: piano
61. do you know someone who has cancer?: My best friend's mother in law has cancer, my sister is a breast cancer survivor, my uncle is also a cancer survivor.
64. do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: Either, I'm easy
65. would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: I don't have a preference here. I would greatly enjoy both
66. how many phones do you have in your house?: 3. One is a business line
67. how long is your hair?: Various lengths
68. do you get along with your parents?: My mother is deceased, but we did not get along. I have never had a relationship with the father
69. what color of eyes do you prefer?:This is another one of those don't care questions
70. what medications do you take? None if I can help it, but I do get headaches and migranes and sometimes have to take something for it
71. what does your bedroom look like? I recently moved back home so I'm staying with my sister, so my bedroom looks like her guest room