For further information, consult God. --Ashleigh Brilliant

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I really don't like extremists. I had a lady at church who is pro-breastfeeding try to convince me to continue nursing my daughter as long as possible. Yeah, that's kind of a personal decision and I'm thinking I'm going to make it without you. I was explaining to someone that I couldn't nurse my 3 year old and she wouldn't hear it. She kept insisting that I didn't try hard enough, that's the problem with the formula industry, doctor's not taking the time to properly teach their patients, blah, blah, blah. She kept talking long after I stopped listening.
For the record, I believe that every mother should attempt to nurse their children. It is natural and the healthiest option for your child. And it's crazy how much easier it is at 2am. However some mothers cannot nurse and they should not be treated like crap because of it. Some say I didn't try hard enough with my oldest daughter who never latched on properly. Maybe, but I drew the line in the sand when I saw blood. There are parts of my body that I don't ever want to see blood coming from and I include my breasts in that. I successfully nursed my son for a year. My third son (whom the lady a church took issue with) refused to gain weight. At 2 months old he weighed less than he did when he was born. We went through everything. He failed to thrive with my milk. Who knows why. I wasn't interested in starving him to death and maybe discovering the reason when they performed the autopsy on him. All I know is when I nursed him, he lost weight, when I gave him formula, he gain weight. He's healthy, happy and driving me crazy and that's all that matters.
I also believe women need to be discreet when they nurse in public. I agree that breastfeeding is natural and all that jazz, but the bottom line is we live in a society that sexualizes the breasts, so cover it up. I understand babies that pull the blanket away because they want to see (The Poet is as nosey as they come), but I pull my shirt down to her cheek so that I'm not exposing myself to people. Respect goes both ways.
Now I'm going to go ADD on you, what would you do if you won the lottery? I never play, but I like to dream. Seriously, after you paid off all your debt, brought your moms and sister a new house, traveled to France, told your boss to kiss off and whatever else. When the dust has settled, what would you do?

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I've been very uninspired to post lately. Things have just been hectic at home. I've been working consistently for the past 3 weeks. While this is good for the pocketbook, it's taken some adjustment. None of us are morning people and we've been having to get up at 6, which is only an hour earlier than normal, but like I said, we ain't morning people. I'm normally wake up around 5 (I do have a 6 month old baby and I work on her schedule, not mine), but it's one thing to be half-awake, laying in bed feeding a baby, it's a completely different story when you have to funtioning at that hour. I'm trying to get hired on permanently, but the fee they would have to pay the temp agency is posing a problem, I can't get things to fall into place to get to the DMV so that I can get my car licensed (that would save me an hour in the morning and evening), my babysitter is acting flaky (did I mention I want hired on permanently? I can't be walking in late because you want to not be home when I need to drop my kids off) and the phone company conned me out of $32, because being a single mom to 5 kids, I have extra money laying around for big businesses.
On a completely random note, I don't like Eddie Murphy any more. A co-worker gave me the latest Ebony to read (I have a lot of down time at work) and he's on the cover. Eddie knew that baby was his. I don't care what the reason for breaking up with Scary Spice was, he knew that baby was his and he didn't have no business doing my sister like that.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Did you know that January was National Letter-Writing Month and National Thank-You Month? Why don't you put it all together and write someone a thank you note?
I'm pretty lucky. Most of my really good friends I've known forever. Like 30 years forever. I have a friend named Jon who I've only known about 20 friends, but he is without a doubt the best friend I've ever had. He got married a moved away, but even when we lived in the same town we could go months (a year) without talking and call each other and it's like no time has passed. I love me some Jon. Of all of my friends past or present he is the only one I 've felt has never judged me. Never. And I have done some stupid things in my life. I remember once when I was trying to decide whether I wanted to be with a guy, Jon's only response was that he would go along with whatever I decided. And he did. And when what was painfully obvious to everyone else became painfully obvious to me, he didn't say, "I told you so" or "I'm glad you got rid of him" or anything normal people would say. He is the perfect friend, husband (he still gushes over his wife), father, son, brother and this weekend, I'm going to sit down and write him a letter and say, "Thank you."



Friday, January 18, 2008

Martin Luther King, Jr. on War

Have a great weekend!

I've been tagged by Rosemarie

The Rules:
Link to the person who tagged me, list 7 weird things about myself and then tag 7 others to play along. And, most importantly, let them know they have been tagged.

1. I don't wear socks. I don't even own socks. On the rare occasion when I've worn socks last year, I had to swipe them from my daughter. It's about 25 degrees outside and I don't have on socks. The most I'll do is wear stockings or knee highs if I wear heels.

2. I hate feet. The quickest way to get on my bad side is to put your feet on me. I don't even like to touch my baby's feet. I went to school to become a nail tech and bribed my teacher out of doing the required number of pedicures. I did one-with gloves.

3. I hate tomatoes, but love ketchup. Wait, make that Heinz Ketchup. I will bypass the $2 Hunt's and pay $6 for Heinz.

4. I'm a voracious reader so I love the library. The perfect day for me would be spent alone in the library. My dream job would be a librarian.

5. I love the Lord. I try to be a good Christian, and I enjoy religious discussions, but I have no tolerance for people who always talk about God. You know the ones. Their response when you ask how they are is, "Blessed," or when you say, "See you tomorrow" and they respond, "Lord willing." Can you just say "Good- bye?" You woke up this morning, it's a given that you're blessed. The sun don't shine without the okay of the Big Guy, it's safe to assume I won't see you tomorrow if He has other plans for you. Leave my Big Mac alone, I don't need you telling me that the Lord is going to give me diabetes for not eating right. Some people are so religious they presume to know the thoughts and will of God irritate me to no end.

6. I am anal when it comes to my refrigerator. My whole house can be a mess, but the milk had better be on the top shelf on the right or someone's in trouble.

7. I have a fish phobia. I can't stand to eat, smell, look at or be around fish. Or anything that lives in water for that matter. I stopped eating ice cream when I was a kid because my cruel older sister's told me it was made out of sea weed. They still think that mess is funny. I'm not so amused.

Tag, you're it!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm not an emotional type person. I don't cry at movies, I don't understand people getting all bent out of shape when celebrities die. Crying like they knew them for real. I was affected by the deaths of River Phoenix and Octavia Butler. But I actually wiped a tear when I heard Luther Vandross died. If music were a religion, Luther would be my god. My sister used to take me to his concerts for my birthday. I'd walk out the concert in tears because that man sang my butt off. Here's a good one and Miss Dionne's is a typical reaction of everyone at one of his shows. I love me some Luther and I still get watery when I think about nothing new from him.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to ya!
"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much." --Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Say it isn't so! I can't be that old. I remember when I was 11, and here I am celebrating my daughter's 11th birthday this past Saturday. She's the love of my life and being the oldest of my crew many times she's a life saver. She often makes me shake my head wondering what we're going to go through when she's 16, or 36. I love her, her brothers adore her, kids are calling my house day and night (No, Lady Day cannot receive calls at 11:30 at night. Does your momma know you're on the phone?) wanting to be her friend. She's a princess and I'm honored to be the one with job of raising her to be a queen.



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wait 'til my kids call me the meanest mother in the world. I'm going to tell them about this woman. I think she's pretty great to be honest, but then it's not my car she's selling.

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Monday, January 07, 2008

You can't live in Ohio and not get caught up in the spirit.

Go Bucks!!!



Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy Friday, y'all!

If you're watching this at work, by warned: It's funny.

I saw this one over on tAnyeTTa's site.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Can you imagine the security detail on Obama if he wins? We've come a long way with MLK having his own holiday and all , but let's get real. There's going to be alot of ticked people if the White house turns Black.


I can't believe it's 2008 already? Does it seem like you say that every year? I do. I don't really make resolutions at the beginning of the year. If something seems like a good idea, I do it, no matter what month it is, but I am going to make a resolution this year. I aim to be more organized. This past year was horrible. I didn't even send out holiday cards despite getting the pictures taken. Thank you cards were a month late, if I ever got around to sending them. I can't begin to tell you how many credits I could have with Paperback Swap if I could get it together enough to send my requested books. I don't like being unorganized like this. So I resolve to get back on my game and organize!