For further information, consult God. --Ashleigh Brilliant

Friday, August 29, 2003

My little girl started first grade yesterday, and I'm happy and sad. I'm happy because I think school is the most important thing a child experiences and my child loves it. I'm happy when she's happy, but I'm sad because it marks the end of summer. The month of August was spent on the road and travelling is what I love doing. I went through just about all of Pennsylvania and parts of New Jersey. I finally met D's mom, so I could finally put a real face to the voice on the phone, and got a bonus because his Nana was visiting. I fell in love with them and him just a little bit more.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

It's been so long since I've posted. So much has happened. I moved to another state. Very spur of the moment, and still not done moving yet. The person we moved in with is crazier than I knew, so we will be moving on. I'm still with my D and it is wonderful. Smallhand has a survey with this question 20. Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex? and I tell you, it is his shoulders, without a doubt. D has a lot of upper body strength and is very muscular without being Cali's most famous gov. candidate and I love to run my fingers over his shoulders when we're driving in the car, as we snuggle in front of the TV, when I walk behind him and give him a quick kiss, when we're making love. Damn! I was mad at him, now I have to go give him a kiss.