Okay, I've gathered the supplies. Tonight is manicure night. With our pending move to Seattle, I can't go get a manicure (yes, even manicurists like to get manicures), so I'm doing it myself at home. It's a nice way to feel and see results quickly.
Polish remover
Cotton balls
Emery board
Nail Clippers
Small bowl
moisturizing liquid soap
Cuticle oil
Orangewood stick
Fill bowl halfway with warm to hot soapy water. It will have cooled by the time you're ready to use it.
Use cotton balls to remove any polish from nails.
Clip nails and gently file with emery board. The key word here is gently. Most people make the mistake of being too rough. If you clip the nail close enough to the shape you want, little filing is needed. And, yes, you should only file in 1 direction.
Use orangewood stick to gently push back your cuticles.
Place hands in bowl for about 10 minutes.
Remove hands, dry thoroughly.
Apply polish. Clear only, no worries about chips or peeling for me this week.
Become engrossed in John Grisham's A Painted House
Polish remover
Cotton balls
Emery board
Nail Clippers
Small bowl
moisturizing liquid soap
Cuticle oil
Orangewood stick
Fill bowl halfway with warm to hot soapy water. It will have cooled by the time you're ready to use it.
Use cotton balls to remove any polish from nails.
Clip nails and gently file with emery board. The key word here is gently. Most people make the mistake of being too rough. If you clip the nail close enough to the shape you want, little filing is needed. And, yes, you should only file in 1 direction.
Use orangewood stick to gently push back your cuticles.
Place hands in bowl for about 10 minutes.
Remove hands, dry thoroughly.
Apply polish. Clear only, no worries about chips or peeling for me this week.
Become engrossed in John Grisham's A Painted House