For further information, consult God. --Ashleigh Brilliant

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I've been busy dealing with some issues, but I do peek in on your blogs when I can grab a minute. TJ, your stuff will be in the mail this weekend.

Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way.
- Nikki Giovanni

This is a lesson I'm having to teach and they aren't wanting to learn, but I'm more patient than they are stubborn.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

And the award goes to...

TJ, my kids would like to bestow upon you a gift. Can you email your name and address to daysia1997@yahoo.com?
We picked up a couple of things over the weekend (no flip-flops, new or used) and will go again some time this week. By the weekend we will mail you some goodies.



Friday, February 15, 2008

People have been testing my Christianess--and, yes, that's a word in Ebony's world.
I've been in a foul mood, as if my last post didn't tip you off to that. Here's why. I'm may have mentioned it before, but I work for a temp agency. Great way of getting back into the business world after my husband and I separated and I was pregnant. The flexibility was what I needed with frequent pre-natal visits and then baby check-ups, start of school, etc. Since I started temping I've become the go-to person for a certain company. I enjoy working here, it's a very laid-back atmosphere, the people are nice, the work is good, and the benefits can not be beat. Besides excellent health benefits, during Christmas, the office closes for a week, and that's time-off with pay. A paid week off, in addition to regular vacation, sick leave and personal days? Oh, I'm in. They love me here. So much so that when my agency sends me on another assignment it's with the understanding that if this company calls me, I will leave that job and come here. They will accept no one else. The position became open and of course I submitted my resume. Everyone from the janitor to the president of the company encouraged me to submit my resume. They (I say "they" but it's really just one lady who's new to the company) interviewed 2 people and find her woman. I'm sure you can guess that it wasn't me. I suspect it was someone she knew. By the time anyone knew what was going on, she had this lady hired. I was upset because I need benefits for my children, but I'm confident that God knows best and there's a reason why I didn't get this job. The woman can't look me in the eye, and actually enters and exits through a different door in order not to pass me. Obviously she's not feeling right and I wouldn't want to work under her anyways. Now here's the testing my Christianess part: They asked me if I could stay and train the new hire. What?! I'm not good enough for the job, but I'm good enough to train the person you hired instead? Lord, give me strength. No matter how good it feels, violence never turns out good in the end.

And since I'm in a ranting frame of mind, can I just say that someone should have told Aretha by now. I love me some Aretha Franklin. I have mad respect for her, but when she gained all that weight and showed up in public in spaghetti straps I looked the other way. I'm no fashion icon myself and everyone's entitled to look a hot mess on occasion, but come on. Y'all saw the Grammy's right? Is Aunt Re letting "Cracked Out Whitney" tell her that she looks good in spaghetti straps? I thought these people had professional's dressing them.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I've been reading alot of mom blogs lately and I'm always amazed by the way parents (mothers especially) think. Sometimes we give ourselves way too much credit and other times not enough. One lady lamenting about spanking her son and the message it sends. Does she really believe that her swatting her son on his behind is teaching him how to hit? He didn't know how to hit before then? I doubt that. Maybe what she's teaching him is that there's a line he might not want to cross again. And that's okay. I don't advocate giving your child a beat down every time they step out of line, but I don't see anything wrong with a quick swat. Nanny 911 be darn, I'm not wasting my time trying to reason with a 2 year old.
A breastfeeding site praised Mayor Bloomberg for cutting out the free samples women receive in hospitals after giving birth. What? And that's a good thing because? That's all good for women that do breastfeed (and it is the healthiest option for mommy and baby and I really encourage it), but what about the women that can't? When it became clear that I couldn't nurse my daughter and son, that free sample really helped out, especially with my daughter when I didn't have the money to buy the formula. It held me over until I was able to get to the WIC office. Even with my daughter now, whom I'm currently nursing. AJ, my 3 year old, split his head open and I had to rush him to the ER, I was able to grab that sample can of formula to leave with my neighbor.
One forum was discussing whether or not celebrities (specifically Amy Winehouse with her recent Grammy wins) were a bad influence on children. Here's an idea: Why don't you be an influence on your children and not worry about those celebrities. I don't shield my kids from much of anything. My mother didn't shield us, and my sister at 20 was the youngest one of us (my siblings and cousins) to have a baby. I grew up watching anything I wanted on TV and at the movies (I remember going to see rated R movies at the drive-in with my family when I was still in elementary school). My mother's message was very clear, "I don't care what you see other people doing, this is what does and does not go down in my house. When you get grown, you can make your own rules, but as long as my money put food on your plate, this is what you're going to do." End of story. When my kids start to buck the system, I go to my desk and hand them a bill. They already know that means that if they plans on changing my rules, they have to pay a bill. Every situation is a learning opportunity. Everything you say sticks with them. It's when you go to college, not if. My daughter asked me once if I knew that some people don't go to college. I told her that yes, I did know this; however, "some people" don't live in my house. When we heard about Jamie Lynn Spears getting pregnant, Lady Day (who just turned 11 and is already a little sage) said that she's crazy because "First of all, she don't have no husband and that's just wrong, and no matter how much money you got, it sucks having to take care of a baby all the time. I hate watching my brothers and sisters." Mind you, she only has to watch them while I'm taking a shower, or using the bathroom, or whatever, but that little bit has taught her a little about the responsibilities involved with having a baby. She ain't having it, no matter what she sees others doing.
Then I read about women who get all bent out of shape because they can't do something that they really wanted to do. Well, they just piss me off. So what if you had to have C-Section? I understand about doctors performing C-Section's to save their butts and all that jazz, but when something is truly wrong and it's imperative that a C-Section is performed, why do they get all upset? Isn't the goal a healthy baby after all? Trust me, I've gone the natural route, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. It hurt and I lay there wanting it to be over, not bonding with the baby.
Other women who tick me off are the one's who talk about how difficult parenting is. No, it's not really. It's pretty much what you should expect. Of course it sucks not sleeping through the night (The Poet has sleep through the night for the past 2 nights-yea!), potty training is a headache, sometimes breastfeeding hurts (The Poet is obviously thinking her 2 new teeth are cool, me, not so much), my house is always in various states of needing a good scrubbing (long gone are the days of putting down a book and expecting it to still be there when I return 5 minutes later), and running to the store for a gallon of milk, now takes a hour when it used to take 20 minutes, but you know what? I expected all that. Some days I want to pull my fro out. I expected that. Some days I'm thisclose to calling the Salvation Army to ask if they accept children as donations, I expected that too. Some days I get a whole lot more than I ever knew was possible. You know what? I expected that too. A lot of these women have husbands, family near by, etc. I'm a single mother of 5 kids ages 11, 5, 3, 2 and 7 months. My husband is an alcoholic, so I get a whole lot of stress, but no support from him. My sister (my closest relative) lives in Arizonia, I'm in Ohio, from her I get an ear to listen and that's it. I know how hard it is to raise children. It's not the end of the world if your boobs start leaking in the grocery store.
I also hate mommy bloggers whose blogs are nothing but pictures of their kids. It's okay if the pictures are accompanied by a story, or a funny joke, then I like the pictures, but believe me when I tell you that no one cares about Little Sally playing with Toto the dog. She's your kid, you're supposed to think she's cute, the rest of us aren't so easily impressed. So either include witty comments with your pictures, or, well, there is no "or". Write something interesting to accompany the pictures.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

“The only measure of what you believe is what you do. If you want to know what people believe, don’t read what they write, don’t ask them what they believe,
just observe what they do.”

Ashley Montagu

In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Week (11th-17th) I'm having my very own give-away. Leave a comment between now and Sunday, and one of my kids will randomly pick a name and we will send you some goodies. I have no idea what we will send, just be warned that I'm letting my kids decide and my kids are wierd. They are cute as all get out, but don't be mad at me if there is no rhyme or reason to what you recieve. Just know that I've already said no to a pair of used flip flops.

*I swiped the quote from Out on a Limb

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Def Jam Poetry - Michael Ellison

I raising 3 light-skin-did boys. I admire Halle Berry's mother who raised her to say that she is Black, instead of mixed, or bi-racial because when it comes down to it, that's how she will be looked at, as Black. I am trying hard to raise my boys to be proud of who they are. I've recently read a book about a lady who could "pass" and that's one of my biggest fears about my middle boy when people often question if he's mine or if he's adopted. When he's old enough to make that decision will he see his fair skin and light eyes as an asset and deny "the Black side?" Would he be willing to separate himself from me, his brothers and sisters, his aunties in order to live a better life? Won't we have advanced enough that he would think it's ridiculous that his momma even thought such a thing?


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

We should emphasize not Negro History, but the Negro in history. What we need is not a history of selected races or nations, but the history of the world void of national bias, race hate, and religious prejudice.

- Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) on founding Negro History Week, 1926

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Erykah Badu - Call Tyrone (live)

Remember this? "But you can't use my phone." Priceless.

Since I'm searching for a new job, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life. Inevitably you get that question, "What would you do if money were no object." That's what led to the lottery question. Of course I would buy houses for me, my sisters and my godmother. I would buy us all nice cars. And I would take a month long vacation. A week here, a week there. Just a taste of places I would eventually go back and spend longer times at. I would hire a nanny/personal assistant. Expand my library since I am a voracious reader.
Then I would start a non-profit organization. When you just start giving, people come out of the woodworks whether they need help or not. My organization would be one that help families in crisis. I would work closely with the Red Cross and other organizations that help families to rebuild their lives after a disaster. I would help people in the community who were just down on their luck, but my main focus would be disaster relief. I would like to have a pantry with clothing, dishes, toys, household appliances, etc that families would need after losing everything.
I never play the lottery so this is pure fantasy, but it got me to thinking about what I can do. I have a friend who works at a community center who has a family I'm going to adopt for a year. So once a month, I'm going to give my family at least $20 worth of stuff. It's not much, but I'm struggling myself and that's all I can commit to. I'll try to do more, but when my husband and I first separated, I know $20 in cleaning supplies would have been a blessing. That's going to be my first "gift". Next month, who knows? Every time I go to the grocery store, I'm going to buy a $5 gift card, and at the end of the year, I'm going to have it combined onto 1 card and give it to them. It should be enough to get a holiday ham. You don't have to be millionaire to give. Could you do something similar in your community or church?


Do you ever get the feeling that someone is out to get you? Do you ever get tired of turning the other cheek? I don't know what to do. I just need for these people to leave me alone. Everyone around me says it's my husband and his lady friend, but why? I don't call, don't go over, in fact their names rarely cross my lips. I'm over them, why can't they get over me. Nothing they do has any long term effects, but it's like that fly buzzing around your face all.dang.day. I'm about to go the dollar store and buy a fly swatter.

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Friday, February 01, 2008

I want to be Maya Angelou when I grow up.

I am convinced that courage is the most important of all the virtues. Because without courage, you cannot practice any other virtues consistently. You can be kind for a while; you can be generous for a while; you can be just for a while, or merciful for a while, even loving for a while. But it is only with courage that you can be persistently and insistently kind and generous and fair.

Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told, 'I'm with you kid. Let's go.'

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.

I know why the caged bird sings.

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