For the record, I believe that every mother should attempt to nurse their children. It is natural and the healthiest option for your child. And it's crazy how much easier it is at 2am. However some mothers cannot nurse and they should not be treated like crap because of it. Some say I didn't try hard enough with my oldest daughter who never latched on properly. Maybe, but I drew the line in the sand when I saw blood. There are parts of my body that I don't ever want to see blood coming from and I include my breasts in that. I successfully nursed my son for a year. My third son (whom the lady a church took issue with) refused to gain weight. At 2 months old he weighed less than he did when he was born. We went through everything. He failed to thrive with my milk. Who knows why. I wasn't interested in starving him to death and maybe discovering the reason when they performed the autopsy on him. All I know is when I nursed him, he lost weight, when I gave him formula, he gain weight. He's healthy, happy and driving me crazy and that's all that matters.
I also believe women need to be discreet when they nurse in public. I agree that breastfeeding is natural and all that jazz, but the bottom line is we live in a society that sexualizes the breasts, so cover it up. I understand babies that pull the blanket away because they want to see (The Poet is as nosey as they come), but I pull my shirt down to her cheek so that I'm not exposing myself to people. Respect goes both ways.
Now I'm going to go ADD on you, what would you do if you won the lottery? I never play, but I like to dream. Seriously, after you paid off all your debt, brought your moms and sister a new house, traveled to France, told your boss to kiss off and whatever else. When the dust has settled, what would you do?